The release section contains pre-built firmware for Vial, a minimal qwerty build and miryoku with either qwerty or colemak.
There are 2 main routes to tweak your own keymap, either flash the vial firmware and use the vial web or desktop ui to configure the keyboard, or setup qmk for compiling locally.
In either case, there are A LOT of options to tweak… Check out the links at the bottom for further reference.
This is the easiest way of setting up your keyboard:
All keys and encoder actions should be configurable in the Vial program while your keyboard is configured. There is also loads of parameters to tweak for optimal performance for your style…
For most flexibility, you want to compile the qmk firmware yourself.
Unfortunately, the cheapino firmware is not merged into the official qmk repository, so there are a few extra steps to setting up qmk for compiling cheapino. This is the recipe for windows(for mac/linux, install qmk the recommended way and jump to step 3):
git remote add tompi
git fetch tompi cheapinov2
git checkout tompi/cheapinov2
6.Now you should be able to make and flash with:
qmk flash -kb cheapino -km default
To make your own version and customize it:
qmk flash -kb cheapino -km thebestkeymap
(and you guessed it, you can choose to call it something else than thebestkeymap)
To help learn your keymap, @omark96 made this tool that works on windows:
Tweaking the encoder actions is supported in vial, but needs to be done in the keyboards/cheapino/encoder.c file for local qmk build, they are not part of the keymap. (you dont HAVE to be a programmer to change it, but you may call yourself a novice programmer once you do…) In the method called “turned”, there are actions defined for multiple layers, this one is tweaked for my personal layer… The “else” section at line 26, will send page down for clockwise encoder turns, and page down for counter clockwise. The first if, line 20, sends volume up/down if you are on layer 6.
The encoder push is defined to media pause/play in the “clicked” method on line 15. Feel free to remap it to different keys depending on layers, like the turns are done. TBH, I dont really use the encoder much, so I didnt spend much time tweaking this…
Once you change the encoder file, run the command from step 6 and 7 to deploy changes to your keyboard.
There is a branch of miryoku you can use for local builds here:
You need to build this with the miryoku keymap, so somethin like this:
qmk flash -kb cheapino -km manna-harbour_miryoku
To build with different layouts, follow the docs here(you can skip to the build section if you use my branch):
@glennmca used VIAL to build a Miryoku layout, documented here:
I did not try this, but seems way easier than mucking about with installing a trillion dev-dependencies:
Good luck!